A Brown Kitchen: An upside-down fig cake to celebrate gay rights in India - SFChronicle.com

Here’s Nik’s story that goes with the cake:

I was struggling to sleep that night. After tossing and turning for hours — my mind preoccupied with book details — I decided that I should work for a little. Maybe that might tire me enough. When I turned my computer on and checked my phone, my Twitter feed was full with the news: India had overturned Section 377, an antiquated law that criminalized gays. Now I knew I wasn’t going to fall asleep anytime soon. I can’t remember the exact time, but somewhere around the age of 11 or 12, I found myself finding men attractive. The excitement was simultaneously electrifying yet terrifying, an eagerness mixed with an equal dosage of fear. As a child, I had no idea what “gay” meant.

— Read on www.sfchronicle.com/recipes/article/A-Brown-Kitchen-An-upside-down-fig-cake-to-13221663.php

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