What a charming gift to receive from #Blue’s people back from Ireland! #catsitting #manservant
I tire of your insolence, #manservant. I am in my cave. You cannot see me. Begone! #catsitting #blue
Why don’t you come and give me a scratch, #manservant? NOT THERE! NO NOT THERE!! Maybe there… NO!! #catsitting #blue
Sometimes, I tire of yelling at the #manservant to bring me food and of his silly hide-the-treat games. When I do, I take the cutest, sweetest nap evar. #catsitting #blue
Speaking of cozy. #manservant #catsitting #blue
Where did the #manservant hide my treat? Oh, he vexes me so! #blue #catsitting #vexation
The #manservant puts the food in the dish. #catsitting #blue
Black cat on a black couch. #manservant #catsitting #blue #setvolumetobuzzsaw
Perched, personable, persistent, and purring. #manservant #catsitting #blue
On da move #manservant #catsitting #blue
The fierce jungle creature waits in his lair. He waits and he watches. He watches and he waits until the unsuspecting #manservant is vulnerable and then… and then… he meows for more food. #catsitting #blue
I am too exhausted to google. You do it. Type “new #manservant”. #catsitting #blue
I feel you should pay more attention to this face, #manservant! This face! #catsitting #blue
I find the #manservant to be quite shiny from certain angles. #catsitting #blue
His lordship surveys his domain and knows that he is master of all he sees. #manservant #yesthatisacastle #catsitting #blue
Perhaps if I rub myself all over the #manservant’s legs, he will understand that I NEED FOOD NOW!! #catsitting #blue
Whatever #manservant is doing, #manservant is doing it wrong. #Manservant will try to do better. #catsitting #blue
The #manservant has made a good start by responding to my constant meowing with food. I think he might be starting to understand rudimentary language. #blue #catsitting
A lovely #catsitting thank you gift of Mink “Artist Series” Bonbons.
Definitely a snit. #bagofblue #undercover #blue #catsitting #manservant
Not sure what’s happening here. Possibly another snit… #undercover #blue #catsitting #manservant
Let’s take a selfie, I said. Just look into the camera, I said. #blue #catsitting #manservant
It is approximately a cardboard box… #ififitsisits #blue #catsitting #manservant
The fierce jungle wildcat is a patient creature. It knows that it will eventually have its prey. It bides its time until the foolish #manservant is lulled into a sense of security and then… IT STRIKES! #blue #catsitting #pounce