The last swim of the year. #Gracie (at Ashbridges Bay Park)
#Gracie surveys the water on what might be the last day of swimming.
Fall Fetching Fun with #Gracie (at Ashbridges Bay Park)
You may be wondering why there was turkey this weekend instead of last. It was this girl’s birthday so we celebrated with a Thanksgracie dinner. #happybirthday #gracie
I adore this slightly derpy picture of #Grace I took today for her Thanksgiving post. #happythanksgiving #gracie #derp (at Ashbridges Bay Park)
Wet hair don’t care. #gracie (at Ashbridges Bay Park)
She can’t be stopped. She will play ball. #gracie (at Ashbridges Bay Park)
My charming companion feels that this whole couch thing is a good arrangement. #gracie
My charming companion doesn’t leave much room for me on the couch. #iwokeuplikethis #smushyface #gracie
I’m not fooled by my charming companion. She’s on the floor now but I fully expect her to steal the couch (and the remote). #gracie
I didn’t mean take my place!! #mycharmingcompanion #contrary #gracie
My charming companion who, even though there is a comfy couch and yoga mat available, has chosen to sleep on the cold, hard floor. #contrary #gracie