#theyoungmaster has definitely not got this ninja thing down. #ottley #icanseeyou (at Leslieville)
His duties done, the young master retires to the couch for a well-earned rest, safe in the knowledge that nobody has left through the closet door. #ottley
The young master has come for a visit and has taken up his station at the (closet) door. Nobody leaves! The stuffed toy is covering his flank. #ottley
My charming companion knows, in her heart, that a good couch is the right place for a dog to be, not in front of a door. Silly #Ottley!
#Ottley likes to lie by the door. We think he does it to prevent his people from leaving. I don’t think he know this is a closet.
Someone feels he must demonstrate how uncomfortable he is in the crate by pressing his face against the bars. #todayindramaqueens #hatemycrateedition #jailbird #ottley (at Puppy Patrol)
“Shhh! I’m watching TV. Also, mummy, we need a bigger TV.” #ottley (at Garden District, Toronto)
(Occasional) moments of calm #ottley #puppypatrol
One pooped puppy #ottley
Action shot with raincoats #ottley #gracie (at Ashbridges Bay)